Service to Others

“Our charity must be in our hearts and from our hearts,
and a charity such as Jesus Christ practiced while on earth.”

–Sister Catherine McAuley

The Mercy tradition of “service to others” is continued today as part of our faith development. At St. Mel Catholic School, we recognize the value and dignity of all people and acknowledge our responsibility to be good stewards of the gifts God has given us. Through participation in community service projects throughout the year, our students learn about the needs of others in our community and discover that even at a young age, they can follow the teachings of Jesus and help those in need. The following is a list of our community service projects:

  • TK : Rosie’s Toy Drive at Sutter Medical Center
  • Kindergarten: Shriners Hospitals for Children in Sacramento
  • First and Seventh Grade: Linus Blanket
  • Second Grade: Rosaries for mission group in Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic
  • Third Grade: All About Equine Animal Rescue in El Dorado Hills.
  • Fourth Grade: St. Vincent DePaul
  • Fifth Grade: Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl Program
  • Sixth Grade: Firefighter Burn Institute summer camp
  • Eighth grade: Baby Bottle Project Sacramento Life Center and volunteer at Loaves & Fishes.

St. Mel Service Club: 7th and 8th Grade students meet once per month to learn about and demonstrate service to others.

Some of the organizations and projects may include:

Cleaning St. Mel Church; Christmas cards and travel to a senior care facility to sing Christmas carols; Walk for Life and/or Step Up for Down Syndrome Walk; Sacramento Food Bank and Family Services; Thanksgiving and Christmas food baskets; “Giving Back” Program, students help others such as a teacher, a parent, elderly neighbor, or local organization. Catholic charity foundation in the Philippines; Bags of Hope

All service projects are supported by the entire school community.